References – people working professionally with the method ‘the Timeless Hour’ in the therapeutic field.…
All the people below are or have been working in the field of therapy and can be contacted for questions or information exchange. They have given me their e-mail address specifically for this purpose.
Margareth Barten / Art Therapist /
After my training I started using the method with adults. I have worked on a psychiatric ward for many years. I first offered an exercise from the method of ‘the Timeless Hour’ to a patient I was counselling individually. What greatly surprised me was that after the exercise she was able to explain in detail her experiences during the exercise. What she told me corresponded exactly with the aim of the exercise as described in the book. Comparable experiences have occurred more than once, giving me confidence that these exercises are healing in many respects. As of 2013 I will be working in education, teaching children using the method of ‘the Timeless Hour’.
Simone Rosier, Art therapist and trainer of children, their teachers and teams at primary schools. Private courses and consultations.
“I’m developing a broad, new kind of primary school, age 4-14. Integration of childcare, welfare and Art Education are the major objectives. Development of all talents! Every child around this primary school, also children with special needs, can visit it. Basic assumption is, what I call “inclusive learning”. Because of work experiences in the past and the content of ‘the Timeless Hour’, the author Michiel Czn. Dhont has recently accepted my invitation to participate as an advisor in the development of this project.”
Mrs. W. Uitgeest – Tutor Hogeschool Leiden, the Netherlands / artist / publisher / Art Therapy – bachelor degree.
“For school and school teams we recommend the creative and existential approach as described in ‘the Timeless Hour’ by Michiel Czn. Dhont.” Scientific exchange in ‘learning by doing’ of the book ‘Linkedness’ and ‘the Timeless Hour’. Both books are about scientific exchange and acting in practice with children in many different circumstances.”
Anouk Depuydt and Gie Deboutte – Authors of the project ‘Verbondenheid’ (‘Linkedness’) / University of Louvain, Belgium – Dept. of Didactic and Pedagogic Sciences.;; “I have worked with some items of The Timeless Hour-method several times. With bigger groups, even when they were restless, it really proved its effectiveness. Children became more quiet and enjoyed the creation of their own expressive work. It is important to really follow the method and repeat it several times. Take your time! A well prepared lesson has the power to succeed.”
Gerard Dirks –
I first encountered the method ‘the Timeless Hour’ when I gave a few practice lessons in my own class of eleven and twelve year old children at the Bronwater primary school in Heemstede, the Netherlands. I was then filmed with my class for the video which accompanies the workbook ‘the Timeless Hour’. At this school I was both director and group teacher. After having become better acquainted with the practice, execution and the results of the method, I decided to relinquish my job at the school and to go back to my old profession: the coaching of autistic children. I am now doing this with great pleasure and using this effective method.
Rachel Frankenhuis / tutor / Art therapist / coach of children of asylum seekers with Pharos;
In her professional practice she has been using the method from ‘the Timeless Hour’ for years for supporting processes of mourning and for the development of a creative attitude to life in children of asylum seekers. Rachel has also – in cooperation with Inge Langendijk-Cissé & Jan Baan developed the teaching method ‘Applause for yourself’ for the promotion of the emotional competence of children between the ages of 4 and 7. Because teachers noted that many 4-to-7-year old children of asylum seekers exhibited behavioural and emotional problems, Pharos developed ‘Applause for yourself’ for the lower classes of the primary school.
Luciette van Hezik
Luciette is working in a partnership, combining verbal and/or body therapy with expressive art therapy.
Dear Michiel, Below my experience and vision regarding your methodology. I want to offer an example of the counselling of adults, where drawing out of movement and modelling with clay have had far-reaching results through a combination with Social Art Therapy…
Read more about Luciette’s experiences…

As above all the people mentioned below are also working with the method of ‘the Timeless Hour.’
They are willing to tell you more about their experiences with the method and you can contact hem by e-mail.
Marijke Rutten Saris / Mphil / author of many books about childrens’ development /
Marijke Sluijter / Editor-in-chief/ Chairman of EDUCARE Magazine. Published an interview of Michiel his method in the magazine Educare.
Meri Helga Mantere / Tutor University of Helsinki / Finland / Joined as an Art Therapist many Art Therapy courses in Finland as well as in France, where Michiel had been teaching /
Roeland Frank Hoefsloot / Tutor / Therapist / Author / / Director and founder of the Art Therapy Centre ‘de kleine Tiki’. Followed a one-year course in Amsterdam at Michiel’s studio.
Ryanne van Os / Councellor in Coaching / self management / author: Personal Power- kosmos Z&K. /
Inge Vreeswijk / former student at Michiels’ Art studio / Studied Psychology the Univerity of Amsterdam / VU. Practicing as a psychotherapist using the method of ‘the Timeless Hour’ in private practice in therapy with epileptic children with amazing results / She educates students in the method of ‘the Timeless Hour’ in the RINO Institute in Amsterdam.
Silvia Fiorini / Art therapist / training disabled children with the method of ‘the Timeless Hour’.
Rudolph Kempers / Visual artist / Primary School teacher / specialized in working with the method of ‘the Timeless Hour’ towards multicultural integration. Tel: +31(0)644381922 no e-mail.
‘A drawing session – ‘the Timeless Hour with a group of eight and nine year old primary school children in Amsterdam, the Netherlands’.
I. Steinert contributed to the development of ‘the Timeless Hour’. She has been working for years at the University of Amsterdam. Her major subject in pedagogics is ‘Profession – Language – Learning by doing’. Her major publication is: I. Steinert, De betekenis van Feuerstein’s gedachtegoed voor het onderwijs: Mediatie als vorm van begeleidend onderwijs en leren in de klas. (About the significance of the vision of Feuerstein in education…) Samson H.D. Tjeenk Willink, Alphen aan den Rijn, 1998. Tel. Amsterdam + 31202644696;; Paris + 33143497937 /
Jeroen de Wit / Dutch Art Therapist / Meditation Teacher in California USA /Final thesis about the method of ‘the Timeless Hour’ 2008.;

As above all the people mentioned below are also working with the method of ‘the Timeless Hour’
They are willing to tell you more about their experiences with the method if you ask them by e-mail.
- Luciette van Hezik / Therapist / Counsellor /
- Marijke Rutten Saris / Mphil / author of many books about childrens’ development /
- Marijke Sluijter / Head Red./ Chairman of EDUCARE Magazine /
Published an interview of Michiel his method in the magazine Educare / - Meri Helga Mantere / Tutor University of Helsinki / Finland / Joined as an Art Therapist many Art Therapy courses in Finland as well as in France, where Michiel had been teaching /
- Rachel Frankenhuis / Tutor – Art Therapist /
Rachel ontwikkelde in samenwerking met Inge Langendijk-Cissé & Jan Baan de lesmethode ‘Applaus voor jezelf’ ter bevordering van de emotionele competentie van kinderen tussen 4 en 7 jaarOmdat leerkrachten constateerden dat veel asielzoekerskinderen tussen de 4 en 7 jaar gedrags- en emotionele problemen vertonen, heeft Pharos voor de onderbouw van de basisschool Applaus voor jezelf ontwikkeld.
- Roeland Frank Hoefsloot / Tutor / Therapeutist / Author / /
Director and founder of the Art Therapy Centre ‘de kleine Tiki’
Followed a one-year course in Amsterdam at Michiels’. - Ryanne van Os / Concellor in Coaching / selfmanagment / author: Personel Power- kosmos Z&K. /
- Inge Vreeswijk / former student at Michiels’ Art studio / Studied Psychology the Univerity of Amsterdam / VU. Practicing as a psychotherapist the method of ‘the Timeless Hour’ in privat practice in therapy with epilaptic children with amasing results / She educates students in the method of ‘the Timeless Hour’ in the RINO Institute in Amsterdamin.
- Simone Rosier followed many courses at the Art studio of Michiel / her profession is: Coaching / Training Primary School – children, adults and teams / private coaching Art Therapy. /
- Silvia Fiorini / Art therapist / training disabled children with the method of
‘the Timeless Hour (see above. / - Rudolph Kempers / Visual artist / teacher Primary School / specialized in working with the method of ‘the Timeless Hour’ towards multicultural integration.
tel: +31 – 06.44381922 no e-mail. - I. Steinert
‘Een tekensessie
’t Tijdloze Uur met groep 4/5 van een basisschool in Amsterdam’.contributed to the development of The Timeless Hour. She has been working for years at the University of Amsterdam. Her major subject in pedagogics is ‘Profession – Language – Learning by doing’. Her major publication is: I. Steinert, De betekenis van Feuerstein’s gedachtegoed voor het onderwijs: Mediatie als vorm van begeleidend onderwijs en leren in de klas. (About the significance of the vision of Feuerstein in education…) Samson H.D. Tjeenk Willink, Alphen aan den Rijn, 1998. Tel. Amsterdam + 3120 2644696; / Paris + 33 143497937 /
- Jeroen de Wit / Dutch Art Therapist / Meditation Teacher in California USA /Final thesis about the method of The Timeless Hour 2008 / /
- Roeland Frank Hoefsloot / Tutor / Therapeutist / Author / /
Director and founder of the Art Therapy Centre ‘de kleine Tiki’
Followed a one-year of Michiel’s course in Amsterdam at the studio of Werkplaats Molenpad ‘.