Evidence Based method – the Timeless Hour– playful, creative and learning by doing to learn out of an inspiring teaching process
Core process:
Action – exertion – relaxation – rest (balance) – concentration – inner experience – processing of feeling by discovery through playing – coming into being of new inner space – totally integrated and creative/flexible behaviour (state of timelessness / alpha-brainwaves) – increasing ability in relation to the development of individual and/or social and cognitive intelligence – see Slide Show
Inner discipline
‘What’s learnt in the cradle, lasts till the tomb’
As a professional working with children you can offer the exercises of the Timeless Hour in a playful way, based on each child’s natural talent to develop empathic and social behaviour out of its inner experience without disciplinary measures out of authority.
Head, heart and hands form the triangle….
…which forms the basis for the child’s growth and development. This work book comprises 22 easily applicable expressive exercises for the promotion of Cognitive, Emotional and Social Intelligence.
- Enhancing the child’s ability to concentrate through the process of the integration of the left and right hand sides of the brain
- Balancing the body experience, the emotional experience and the mental – cognitive ability so the child will become an independently acting human being. The child will feel more connected to what it is doing.
- Developing the creative ability out of thinking and acting , which will be expressed in the child’s attitude to life by stimulating its ability to express itself.
- Developing the child’s emotional intelligence in relation to its cognitive intelligence, also called learning integration.
- Stimulation of the development of social intelligence in social behaviour, also regarding the relationships between children of different ethnic backgrounds.
Children are not given any outdated disciplinary rules on how to behave by order of adults (norm behaviour). Based on their own experience, they learn social behaviour in a playful manner through these exercises via SEL = Social Emotional Learning / Intelligence or affective learning. - Reduction of stress reduction in the child through the release of tension blocking the learning process.
The introductory and instructional video accompanying this book has come into being though financial support of the Dutch Foundation Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland (the Dutch Foundation for Children’s Stamps) and Lambo Publishers.
All exercises promote, next to other characteristics of the child, the child’s ability to concentrate through the process of integration of the left and right halves of the brain.
Michiel Czn. Dhont has developed a unique method which works out of movement and intuition through individual and collective drawing and claying exercises. These expressive exercises stimulate the concentration and also the ability to visualize. The development of the ‘power of imagination’ seems to be especially important for the development of boys. This expresses itself in more harmonious behaviour.
The exchange of basic sensory emotional experiences creates communication and social interaction. The child’s body experience is brought into balance through both collective and individual exercises. Increased self confidence, stress reduction, increased creativity and benefit in cognitive subjects are the result. The Timeless Hour is a source of inspiration for all professionals working with children and also offers concrete applications for remedial teachers and group teachers.
Drawing exercise, left handed (with the non-dominant hand) and eyes closed, following an open eyes meditation focussed on an object for which the child has great affection.
The exercises in the book enhance the individual and group feeling and promote the integration of the cognitive, emotional and social intelligence. This inner integration stimulates the interaction between children in a learning situation, also in the case of children from different ethnic backgrounds.
In our ever more complex multicultural society it is important that children develop these three forms of intelligence. Just like adults, children are being confronted (especially through the media) with far reaching developments and events in the areas of environment and society. Each child individually faces the challenge of giving meaning and form to these through the conscious choices they make in the realisation of their life.. The exercises described in this book and the underlying vision are closely linked to the developments in the scientific field of the last 30 years in the areas of pedagogy, neurology (specifically brain research) and cultural philosophy.
‘Two-handed drawing exercise out of rhythm of the small dots – charcoal. Drawing sheet with drawing movements of dots of a 12 year old boy. Rhythmic movement with staccato, drawing simultaneously with left and right hand. Clearly provides relaxation, just as with other locomotory exercises.
THERAPIES and ‘the Timeless Hour
Head, heart and hands form the triangle …….. for adolescents and adults
Read more under Health Care

During a single session of 1,5 hours this woman processed her feelings of detachment towards her premature baby, which she had not been able to feel with her during the first six weeks, as the baby was in an incubator. The now 11 month old boy who was present during the session lying on a blanket , experienced all the energies his mother was going through. He was extraordinarily alert. He kept making small sounds as if he was giving his mother his approval for this process. By expressing her feelings through drawing (partly with eyes closed) the mother released much of her anger and sadness and the connection between her and her child became harmonious again.
The expressive exercises in this book enhance a client’s feeling on individuality and the collective group exercises also enhance the therapeutic processes in a therapy group.
See also HEALTH CARE regarding the Timeless Hour and Visual, Creative Art Therapy and Psychotherapy.